Friday, February 9, 2007

This Evening

I sit watching an unlimited sky in the east. With a couple of vacant compounds for neighbours, the view is rustic. Wild caladiums, thick perennials and abundant grass cover the ground. Plantain trees, coconut palms and a shy young badam cover the mid view. Greying little wiffs of relaxing clouds reveal the receding blue behind.
A slow flying crow appears, flutters up, turns to the south and disappears. Far in front the bamboos shoot up downing an aging coconut tree. There is an enormous kandal, mangrove of this region. And above them all the sky, deep and saturated. The thin veils of clouds have vanished revealing its vastness which conceals all knowledge. A magpie couple and a moorhen talk among themselves on coconut bosoms. The magpies ar upto something which others do not like. I can hear the drongos shouting something ill of them. They are always bossy.
It is a quarter past six. Sunset is at 6.32.p m. It happens in the east. I am facing east. The sky, slowly, brightens up. All the greeneries have turned darker. A large cow pheasant crosses my view. It is calm. It is again an evening.

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