Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Celebration of Love 2

Plastic hearts. Made for mney. Who buys, pays. And we enjoy going to the hotels and parks and part at the bells of our doms and hostels. OK, times have changed. The concept of love underwent great developments. Naturally the methods too changed. The www united lovers. And they clamoured to be heared. So this day of the poor celebate saint was borrowed to celebrate because it is the nly ne pssible during the flourish, the movements on stage before the grand entry of the prime character or, say in other gender, prima characterina, the long skirted beauty, the spring. That is Holi. The full moon of early sprin, the most beautiful night of Indians of the plateaus and plains. The mahua flowered and the hearts fluttered and the pitchkaris filled the space with dots of colour.

Colours n valentines days were sold in cards and sent as few attachments. You select and we reach it, says those who trade in love. And at the click of a mouse it happens - what? Yes. Love. In the next click it grows, flourishes in chat rooms and nds up in emails. Sometimes some turn to sob stories. But generally ga ga it goes on. Love never dies.

Lovers may. That is what our romantics said. The famous pastural elegy, the only 'Ramanan' ran dozens of reprints. I bought the 50th a special one with Karunettan's cover. Ettan is brother. Yes C.N, the Respected Chairman of Kerala Lalitakala Akademi. Yes the spelling is ntended to demarcate from the English spelled academics. We hitched ourselves withthe Greek, the greatest of all periods in terms of art. Well, I called him so when I met him with the Late Jayanarayanan, about whose short stories some symposiwere held. Mostly post-upanishads. We had been to Ravi, the young bald of reading who lived in 'Stay Hell'. They had changed a parting W with a ladder step H. Steps to the down reached the humid and warm interiors of love. Generations painted it in different colours. And some very clever ones stuck real currency notes on the walls. Lovers collected them and ate ice-creams in exquisite parlours, discussing next days work. It is half past six. My wife comes from the bank. I pluck a bunch of her favourite jasmins and greet her at the gate. Snacks and tea are ready. [My daughter made it!] Yes. Love matures in family.

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