Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ayurdays 5

Sreenivasan had a vasthi. Vasthi is sort of an ayurvedic enema in which about 1½ liters of medicated oils and concoctions are pumped into the rectum through the anus using a crude device made of a plastis bag. The bladder of an animal was used in early times. It is a bit risky and the doctor would stay nearby. Sreeni was particularly afraid after Asif had described the whole process in its greatest exaggeration.

By seven in the morning a helper brought a couple of soft idlies with a spot of coconut chutney, the only thing allowed for breakfast. By eight the vasthi had to be performed. Half an hour before that the chief of the team which treats Sreeni came and started the oil massage. Sreeni remained tense and felt uneasy. Then the doctor came to supervise the operation. One of the helpers brought a bucket of warm water. Another carried in the concoction. The fat treatment man mixed the medicines and filled the belly of the device and Sreeni was made to lie down in position. He was held by a couple of helpers with his right leg on the left in a side turned pose. The treatment man warmed up the device. The doctor nodded. The helpers tightened their grip on Sreeni. The nozzle of the device was thrust into the anus. Sreeni tried to wriggle but was held down. In a quick pressing movement, the 1 ½ liters of kashayam mixed with oils was pumped into Sreeni. He felt a strong nausea. But he was held so pressed to the table that no movement was possible. A half cry escaped through the open mouth and he was lifted up. The four men carried Sreeni into the toilet and hoisted him on the European commode, which was fixed on a half-foot platform. There the men held Sreeni till the whole thing flowed down with the pieces of idlies and other leftovers. Thoroughly exhausted, Sreeni started to doze off.

Next he was given a warm water bath, while the helpers applied the green gram powder over him, the chief of the treating team went to the kitchen and brought the gruel. After the bath Sreeni was dried up and brought to the room. There the gruel was mixed with the two and a half tablespoons of ghee, usually provided to the patients after the vasthi.

After he drank up the gruel Sreeni felt so tired that he retired to the bed and groaned. Everything is perfect said the doctor after a customary examination.

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